
John 6:51-58

We are living in an age when the metaphor of the Lord's Prayer is often lost. It is a prayer of gratitude. In addition, we have new understanding of God living within each of us, sometimes called "panentheism" as opposed to God being beyond and above us as people understood it in Jesus' day. It is time to explore our prayer to God so it is congruent with our 2018 progressive view of God. Churches around the world have been wrestling with this. The church in New Zealand have developed this into a prayer that we can explore and understand.

Lord’s Prayer for Today: Eternal Spirit, Source of all that is and ever shall be, Loving Parent in whom we discern heaven, May knowledge of your holiness inspire all peoples, And may your community of peace and freedom flourish on earth Until all of humankind heed your call to justice and compassion. May we find the bread that we need for today, And for the hurts we cause one another May we be forgiven in the same measure that we forgive. In times of trial and temptation, help us to be strong; When life seems overwhelming, help us to endure; And thus from the yoke of sin deliver us. May you reign in the power of human love, Now and forever. Amen. Adapted from the prayer book of the Anglican Church of New Zealand

I encourage us to use this prayer in our private devotions to gain an understanding that we are a loving community built upon the inclusive and restorative values of Jesus. We are to live this as if Jesus body is in-dwelling us each and every day.