
1 Sam 3:1-10/1 Cor 6:12-20/ John 1:43-51

 Samuel listened to Eli and heard God's Call. In John's Gospel, Nathaniel heard Jesus compliment of him and responded to the wisdom of Jesus and answered Jesus call to him to serve.

We live in the world with a lot of noise and distraction, as the people of Corinth had succumbed to. Paul calls them to keep listening to the teaching of Jesus.

In our own time, nonviolent communication, one of the movements that supports peace making and reconciliation invites people to always listen before we speak. This is so true in a world where are bombarded by conflicting values and manipulations.

The bottom line to hear Jesus message of love of self, neighbour and God.This is vital for us as we hear God's call and follow the teachings of Jesus as we live and bring light to the darkness. This is a core value for progressive Christians.