Today, we celebrated the Feast of St. Francis. To mark it, we held our annual service of Pet Blessing. We explored the truth that all animals are loved by God. We noted that we share large parts of our genetic code with other animals who like us are sentient beings. We are all in the image of God and connected with God.
All species of animals form community, have emotions and communicate. Often they communicate with us. Sadly, we don't listen! Our ways of seeing other species of animals as commodities has led to their destruction. We endanger ourselves when we endanger them.
God calls us to work for their survival. We need to voice our concern as well as practice care and conservation. We need to talk to decision makers and ensure that not everything is for profit at any cost. We must work for safeguards that end suffering in the animal kingdom as we become aware that other species are not "Things" but part of God's Creation, loved by God.