The idea of Sin was historically connected to the Soul. Sin would kill the Soul and thereby taking a person away from Eternal Life. People used to try to find the soul which was believed to inhabit within the body, including weighing bodies to see if something had left the body at death.
The Progressive Anglicans today understand the Soul to be "Your true self". It is defined as our deep identity-our unique "Divine Blueprint" of who we are in God and God in ourselves.
Sin is ignoring our Divine Blueprint- our true self, deviating away and living out a false self. It is defined as "Internal thoughts and external actions that obliterates the true self". This is often expressed through feelings and actions of entitlement; superiority;condemnation of others;pride; no personal boundaries; and to some surprisingly, sensuality. Sensuality is often the manifestation of not having self-love and slipping into animalistic behaviour which negates others in order to falsely affirm the self.
The soul is saved not through a set of followed rules but through living a thoughtful balanced life where situations are individually attended to. We seek to follow the Universal Truth of Community-The Golden Rule:"Do unto Others as you would have do unto You!" When we follow this and take ownership of our personal lapse in living our "Blueprint" we are through the Love of God-forgiven.