

Matthew 25: 14-30

Empathy is the power of letting go of fragile ego to assist in building a sustainable community of Progressive Christians. 21st century research and theological developments are pointing towards a renewed understanding of empathy within the Christian church. Roman Krznaric has done groundbreaking work in exploring this area. He has identified six basic habits to assist society and individuals develop this innate trait. Today we explore habit 2: make the imaginative leap. Jesus’ Parable of the 5 talents always challenge us to be thoughtful and imaginative. What is a Talent? The key to understanding is that Jesus is talking about “Talents” as the true gift of God that we have within all of us. 98% of all have one-Empathy. 

It can be strengthened with intentional reflection and use. It can be blocked but can be overcome once the blocks are identified. 4 Blocks to empathy:  1) Prejudice: – racist stereotyping and labels used in our times of fragility which denigrate and dehumanize others; 2) Authority:-  mindless obeying authority. Susceptibility can be based in authoritarian understandings of life where Tolerance for Ambiguity is under-developed ; 3) Distance:- moral concern is decreased when we do not know the person being wronged.  Systemic racism blunts our urge to be empathetic;  4) Denial:- compassion fatigue, a state of psychological exhaustion resulting from depressing information. Three Christian responses overcoming barriers to empathy: (a) humanize the other- understanding that God created all people, and we are all connected as human beings ; (b) discover what we share- finding points of common experience which sensitizes our mental landscapes; (c) empathize with our enemies: “My life is my message!” (Mahatma Gandhi). “I am the Way, the Truth and the Light” (Jesus).

Showing ‘compassion’ is not total empathy for people that we have difficulty with. Having understanding for their pain is different than celebrating their violent based success. Empathetic dissent means understanding without agreeing. New Frontiers of learning and action: Empathize with our enemies; Building Bridges: empathy is a decision.  We make a covenant with ourselves and God within us as Progressive Christians to be empathetical with the rest of the world around us. It is our response to the call of non-violence from Jesus. It is the foundation of societal peace, love, hope, joy and reconciliation.