We look at guidepost six for Progressive Christians: Strive for peace and justice among all people. Forty five years ago the Anglican Church took a step in reconciliation when it stood up for the Niska People in the Nass Valley with a program to educate all people that "Justice is for all, not Just us". It was a journey of non-violent peace-making and the building of justice. We recognize today that God is Love as affirmed in John's Gospel. Religion is the broadcasting of love to the world. Faith is religion in action.
Religious faith can be a source of peace and Justice. Catholic writer John Caputo says in his book On Religion: "Faith found in the great monotheisms, who stands by us when we are up against the worst, who stands by others, by the least among us. Faith is faith that we can say that certain things are wrong, are evil. Faith is the memory of evil done, the dangerous memory of suffering that cannot be undone, and the hope of a transforming future, which is what I love when I love my God." Through faith we understand God as Love. We are not afraid to stand up for our core values which compose the meaning of Love: Truth, Justice, Peace-making; Forgiveness, Reflection; Sensitivity; Honesty: Caring and Emotional Maturity. Building upon this foundation, we learn to communicate non-violently.
We wish to see win-win situations where through clear communication people are affirmed. This is a personal means to strive for Peace and Justice among all people not just us. Justice for all should be understood as Not Just Us but for all. We strive to never “other” others but include each other as co-equal citizens of Planet Earth. Personal communication should follow the model set for us by Jesus that is often overlooked or trampled upon by religious leaders imposing their own needs for power and domination into their presentation of the Gospel. Jesus in His Presentation of the "Christian 10 Commandments" that is found both in Matthew and Luke’s “Sermon on the Mount” Jesus says “Blessed are the Peacemakers and Blessed are the meek”. To live this, we need to clearly state the event, the communication received; the emotional impact upon us our needs and a clear request to respond to our need. At an individual level it takes a lifetime of practice. Never the less it is our mission as Progressive Christians reaching out and listen to all.