Archbishop Melissa preached. The link is attached. The parish commissioned Ms. Fran Froehlich as a member of the Order of the Diocese of New Westminster(ODNW). Congratulations to Fran and all new members of the order. Her citation of award follows:
Fran feels called to a life-long ministry of service. She is motivated by love from, and for, the Creator. Her personal mission is “to better the world through helping others in order to counteract the falsehoods of society”. She is the embodiment of living Jesus’ love in her life while seeking reconciliation and wholeness as a happy person who enjoys life, family and culture.
The Citation as recorded in the Permanent Register of the Order Fran started out life in Italy and was raised Roman Catholic. She felt excluded from a spiritual root when she sought to be remarried and did not feel welcome. She was welcomed into the Anglican Church by Bishop Ingham when he was a rector in Burnaby. She was married as an Anglican in 1978 and moved with her husband, Kurt, first to All Saints, Agassiz, and a little later to St Peter, Rosedale. The Revd John Barton nurtured her in the parish and the Anglican way. Their family flourished and nurtured two boys. Fran taught school and as she has always been a people person, became involved with the life of the community in Rosedale and the church. She played the organ, engaged in fun(d)-raising for the parish and the larger community. She is a life-long learner gaining both a degree in teaching and later a Master of Education. She joined All Saints, becoming heavily involved in 1995. Today she continues to play the organ, has organized woodworkers to make toys which children in need can obtain from a normalized affordable store at Christmas time. She has run fundraisers to assist those in need, events to assist the coffers of the parish, garage sales to assist the resettlement of refugees, and hosted games and crib nights for community building and fundraising to assist the parish. Recently Fran has written and produced plays in the parish for fun as well as gaining resources to complete various projects within the parish and community. In addition, she organizes enhanced reading programmes for school students through the local library. Fran is very humble and has resisted nomination to this Order for many years. She lives out her mission in life “to better the world through helping others in order to counteract the falsehoods of society”.