We are on a lifetime journey with God. We understand God as Incarnational. God is Love within all people of the planet. We change as we journey in life. In this life Journey new knowledge arises and we as Christians respond to the situations in a restorative way of love. We are called to progressively following our eighth guidepost of Progressive Christianity:" commit to a path of life-long learning, compassion, and selfless love."
There are old foundations of theology that were developed and understood based in the knowledge framework of their day. Today we know God is alive within us all, not just the 1.5 billion Christians, but whole of the 7 + billion people of the planet. It is a part of our learning that we cannot be constrained by old ideas and theological formations but base our way in a balanced journey between received theology and events and knowledge of our age.
We are not ashamed of new knowledge. As progressives, we see knowledge from God but our response must be filtered by the love of a restorative, caring and healing God who is a restorative process with us all. We are not Christians to look after only ourselves but to care for the world. We are aware as new issues arise and respond in love to them.